underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

This site is not for all to discriminate.
What ever is here, left here.
So I expect you to preserve the rights of this blog/online diary.
- yours sincerely.♥

Saturday, December 27, 2008
4:27 PM

have to be honest. im so not committed in having a blog. hahha.
busy with work, child, friends, boyfriend matter. blablabla... hahahhahaha...


Monday, December 1, 2008
6:07 PM

Hie. i know Ive not been updating quite lately. have to be honest. I'm super lazy! going back and fro to grandma house. Ive not been going out for 1 week with Love or even friends!
*tap on the back ayuni*
later I'm meeting ann. chill for a while and go grandma house. AGAIN, that's right. again.
I'm bored seeing hypocrite faces and evil means.whatever, like it or not, they still run through my blood. god gracious. i can't believe i said that.

I wanna congratulate Love twin sister, Kak Sara and Kak Nyra!
i love you both like my own. May your marriage last till the end of time.

Monday, November 17, 2008
the ups and the down
4:10 PM

Life has been complicated for me.Honestly, i myself have no idea what i want and what to expect
to this complication. i want to make it right. but how? nothing is that simple any more. i know that most of you don't understand . but those who understand the conflicts to my fairytale. i appreciate it. i have no right to say anything to the person who has been supporting me since i was a Lil girl. I've done the most sinful thing in my life. i deserve being deserted and shouted at. he can say harshful stuff to me. i listened. but day by day, the grudges piled up. and I'm sorry if one day I'm just gonna walk away. and i know i dun have the will to support the Lil kid at home. but i want the best out of him.that is why I'm still at home despite getting hurt all the time. i can't wait to be successful, that day he's going to shut up and believe me. it doesn't matter anymore if anybody gonna love me or not. i don't give a damn.praying to god every night without a miss so that one day, the light gonna shine upon me once again.Insyallah.Amin.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
hello hello!!
5:15 PM

im back passing-readers!
i wanna give a special thanks to NUREEN ASHILA!
she's da one who did this blog.again and again.im just too busy and too lazy to bother.
haha.nak simple kerja.starting from now i'm going to update again.
now.im at LOVE's house.going out later meet annbaby and her dearest.double date.
then going to meet yunishaphilip .her birthdae tomorrow.so, wanna mit her early.i miss her so.
chious people.

p.s:As promised, im going to update pictures of my new hairdo and gambar raya on my new post.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
new and everything else is new.
4:22 PM

oh yah.. niwae... i've got a new hair cut!!
will post the pics too!

long gone..
4:13 PM

hey peeps...
i know Ive been away for soooo long.
until, i myself forget my own user name and password.
been very busy with my new life, N level, Hari Raya, boyfriend.
its fair that i abandoned the blog and i did the same to my friendster and emails.
its flooded with unnecessary stuff. will be back soon. ok lah, not to soon.
but i promise its going to be better. new skin, new post, new pic, new song.
keep checking on me. lets make things easier, come back and read next month.
see ya soon beautiful creatures!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Blissful 31st!
9:15 PM

Happy 31st Monthsary BabyLove!

Therefore i dedicate this song to you,

To watch video-
1) scroll down
2) pause the playlist
3) scroll up
4) play video

Loads of Love Baby..and I'm sorry for updating late.very late.

2 years 7 months and still counting....

Monday, July 21, 2008
Zaid 'Adli
9:52 PM

Though his too young to understand, i dedicate this song, or should i say a verse, to him.
well, those who understand why i dedicate this, good to know. Those who don't , act like you don't okeh?

atas nama cinta ..
hati ini tak mungkin terbagi

sampai nanti hingga aku mati

cinta ini hanya untuk engkau

atas nama cinta kurelakan jalanku merana

asal engkau akhirnya denganku

ku bersumpah atas nama cinta..

You'll forever be apart of me.
cause' you're my heart and soul.
oh, how am i suppose to live without
my heart and my soul...


Day out!
9:23 PM

19th July 2008

Went out with Mother ,Zaid, Love, Kak Sara, Ibu. Easy said, went out with Love's family.
Actually it was my shopping day, but mother decided to go out with Love's family. so the shopping was postponed to 20th

20th July 2008

Went shopping with Mother then after that went to Pasir Ris park, watch little cousins have fun.

Shopped for new simple clothes and Zaid's stuff for the mean time while waiting for Sister to be free and go shopping again, using Dad's money. hahahah!

Sister bought me Tee's at KL. Just Like the one i asked for.Simple and Crap.

(pls tilt you head abit okeh? thank you!)
Looking forward for the next shopping!

Friday, July 18, 2008
fucked up
7:30 PM

Today i went for my N Level Malay Oral. It was okeh. its about berjimat-cermat. i was like. hack! i wished it wasn't political or whatever too classy... but shoot.i wasnt lucky enough.
and i blanked out for a while to think and translate the word "bill". until now i still can't think of the word.

Minah Mode:

kental and macam paham. thats the two word to discribe that biatch. sumpah sia dier kental..i bet after reading this ur gonna think the same wae to.
she's 15, wears specs, muka pecah.
she wants to hang out with the clans in school so she'd look cool. my god, she lagi rela jadi anjing and follow the clans around so she's accepted.what the fuch ah sia.
abeh she ever said this to somebody...." aku budak airport nyer, lagi atas dari airport"
What The Fuccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!

So just now, my oral started at 2.30pm but school ended at 12.35pm.Me and Ann went out to smoke. she was under the block with a mat ite.kental nak mampos. sama jenis dengan die.and there's also this gvss girl, but she's wearing homeclothes. just imagine, she go school and wear make-up. Fat and Short. pakaian step minah, macam debab tersumbat dalam aisbok!
after my oral, they were there too.When ann was on the fon with her mum saying "ibu, gosok kan baju kite, petang nanti kite keje." the mat kacau ann and said "keje je..skolah taknak" sumpah sia, ann tak menyusah kan korang! so, we went for a smoke again. atleast we respect the school uniform and smoke someplace people won't see. dorang, mcm paham. buat kecoh bawah blk.nak lepak pun tukar baju ah! abeh they stare us. carik pasal. tendang2 the lift we're in. kite turun, dorang takda... step berpecah.. me and ann dah jalan jauh sikit, baru kumpul balik. sungguh kental la sei. im not happy and ive never happy with her.
Bukan nak kerek ahh, but if she think she's fierce, tgk ah record sapa lagi rabak dan byk kat skolah!
and kalau betol dier fierce, dari sec 1 , i would know she exists in this world!
So excited for monday! gonna fuck her upside down!

p.s: go rot and die fuckers!

Monday, July 14, 2008
A Picture Speaks a Thousands Word
1:33 AM

Its been a tiring week for me and a painful week for Love.I'll just update pictures that i have as picture speaks a thousand words...

9 July 2008

(4 period free..raining day.. what else in the mind, sleep,camwhore)

10 July 2008

(Hancock was superly funny and touching)

19 July 2008

(open your eyes lah dehh.. see..Zaid can do better then you.)

Till then...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
i Hate u ok?
3:50 PM

Don't Say You Understand While Actually You Don't.

Hypocrites are so unloved. Don't Be One When You Suck At It.


Thursday, July 3, 2008
9:46 PM

I'm sad ... cause i didn't manage to visit Love. Was super sick. Certainly an off day for school. Actually I've been sick for more than a month, but tahan and tahan till todae i cannot tahan. haha. bodoh kan. i know. i slept for hours. a "cover-up sleep" for the time i didn't sleep when i got to know Love was in an accident.I have to visit him tomorrow!

- Falling in Love with you is an extraordinary feeling.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
10:33 PM

Just now at 2am was a nightmare to me. i got a call from Love's friend and he told me something that i don't wish to hear. Love had an accident! At that moment, i was lost, i thought it was just a dream. i thought it was a prank.But it wasn't. i feel like my heart is in my stomach when i heard that news.Everything that i did, went wrong.

i wanted to go to the hospital to see him badly, but its never possible for me to get out of the house in the middle of the night and i had to go to school in 4 hours time. the worry in me was so strong that i couldn't sleep throughout the night.i was like a zombie in school, couldn't stop my self from thinking about him.Was worried, sleepy, sad , and whatever else. i told him that I'm going to visit him and take care of him after my school end.

And yes, i did. So, i went to Tampines interchange and get doughnuts to bring to his place. when i reach there ,i was dumbfounded looking at him with a fractured arm and "shifted" collarbone. i kept to myself for a moment because i can't imagine my life without him. seeing him like this got me worried like hell, what else if he goes. Touch wood la k. but all those did run through my roller coaster mind.

baby.. do take good care of yourself alright baby. i miss you, and i still need you here with me.

I'll come and take care of you when ever i can alright baby. i need you to be strong.

p/s: i love you

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
i miss you.
11:46 PM

Oh god.. i can' t take this. i miss abah so much.Listening to this song, reminds me of him. i couldn't take control of my tears. i miss you so much.

(to listen:

1) scroll down, pause the play list.

2) scroll up, play the video.

its just the song with lyrics.)

-You're loved dearly...

Sunday, June 29, 2008
10:50 PM

i did something selfish this morning. so i decided to make him something so that he would forgive me. i made him cupcakes. i was sick but yeah, whatever, i'd rather get forgiven rather than keep this fight going on.

-baby, im sorry.

Friday, June 27, 2008
Stupid Shop!
7:32 PM

Love brought me to this ice-cream shop to eat ice-cream with waffle at simei.sooo hate the shop!
Im so irritated with the worker,her customer service suck!
Well, i wanted to buy an ice-cream waffle . i told her nicely that i want waffle with mint ice-cream.
she just look at me and jeling, she could at least say OK or nod her head OR smile! i was super irritated i purposely said WHAT THE F**K loudly.
then i went and sit beside Boyfie, i told him what happened. then he ask me to stop. and say something abt he works as an FnB too. bla bla bla. anger was lingering all over my body but i dun wish to argue coz i know it wont end.
sialla... what the fuck. who cares if ur kedai is not like those high class restaurant. that doesn't mean you can give that face to the customer or even a bad service! we are the paying customer, u are the worker. so work like how u should! sorry ah, I'm not that kind of person to just shut my mouth when I'm not happy. serious sia.. kalau ada manager dier, pumpan tu dah kene rabak dah!
I'm never gonna go to that kedai again ,though the waffle was nice.
Anyway, thanks baybe for buying me the waffle.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
11:55 PM

Baby, Thanks for buying me itude!
Now we have the same!
yey! haha! ok. im just happy.

-missing you...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thank You Baby!
8:25 PM

Shopping! Yes. I shopped with dearest just now. Thanks baby for the sweater,hairband and the super shiok drink! At last i got the sweater that i wanted. And baby, guess what, actually i love this Black sweater better then the other white sweater. i purposely ask u to choose which one you think i like and what would you get for me if i wasn't with you. Bingo! You chose the black one. Yey! Your so clever. I'm touched that u know my taste well. And I'm happy that you get yourself a Tee, something useful.
Having you to buy me this and the surprise u gave me at 12am was a great gift for our anniversary.
I Love you Dear!

-For the love we've shared...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy 30th Monthsary Baby!
9:47 PM

Happy 2 year 6 month Dearest.
I'm so happy to be with you despite all the shits that we have to face.
He gave me a sweet surprise at 12am.

Ayu: Haha. u mesti takle bangun nye, to take da receipt..! (11.46pm)
Love: Maybe, lau i tak angun i tk jumpa u k syg, i nid rest baby. (11.47pm)
Ayu: Haiya. i aru pk nk gv u a kis 4 our monthsary.(11.48pm)
Love: Ala, u tk surprise langsunglah.(11.49pm)
Ayu: Haha. 2 bad.takpa ah. coz i tau. u wont wake up.takpa syg. i phm.(11.51pm)
Love: Surprise me, men lyke surprises, yeah bb yeah.(11.52pm)
Ayu: Eh eh dekni. u patot surprise i. coz u didnt gv me anything on da dae i gv u my last gift 4 our 2 yrs. u lost it lagik ada. hw disappointing! (11.55pm)

i was typing the anniversary wish halfway,and exactly 12 am. he called me... he asked me to look out the window!. he was there! yes he did surprise me!
So in love with him!

Once again, Happy 30th Baby!
Thank you baby!
