underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

This site is not for all to discriminate.
What ever is here, left here.
So I expect you to preserve the rights of this blog/online diary.
- yours sincerely.♥

Sunday, June 29, 2008
10:50 PM

i did something selfish this morning. so i decided to make him something so that he would forgive me. i made him cupcakes. i was sick but yeah, whatever, i'd rather get forgiven rather than keep this fight going on.

-baby, im sorry.

Friday, June 27, 2008
Stupid Shop!
7:32 PM

Love brought me to this ice-cream shop to eat ice-cream with waffle at simei.sooo hate the shop!
Im so irritated with the worker,her customer service suck!
Well, i wanted to buy an ice-cream waffle . i told her nicely that i want waffle with mint ice-cream.
she just look at me and jeling, she could at least say OK or nod her head OR smile! i was super irritated i purposely said WHAT THE F**K loudly.
then i went and sit beside Boyfie, i told him what happened. then he ask me to stop. and say something abt he works as an FnB too. bla bla bla. anger was lingering all over my body but i dun wish to argue coz i know it wont end.
sialla... what the fuck. who cares if ur kedai is not like those high class restaurant. that doesn't mean you can give that face to the customer or even a bad service! we are the paying customer, u are the worker. so work like how u should! sorry ah, I'm not that kind of person to just shut my mouth when I'm not happy. serious sia.. kalau ada manager dier, pumpan tu dah kene rabak dah!
I'm never gonna go to that kedai again ,though the waffle was nice.
Anyway, thanks baybe for buying me the waffle.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
11:55 PM

Baby, Thanks for buying me itude!
Now we have the same!
yey! haha! ok. im just happy.

-missing you...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thank You Baby!
8:25 PM

Shopping! Yes. I shopped with dearest just now. Thanks baby for the sweater,hairband and the super shiok drink! At last i got the sweater that i wanted. And baby, guess what, actually i love this Black sweater better then the other white sweater. i purposely ask u to choose which one you think i like and what would you get for me if i wasn't with you. Bingo! You chose the black one. Yey! Your so clever. I'm touched that u know my taste well. And I'm happy that you get yourself a Tee, something useful.
Having you to buy me this and the surprise u gave me at 12am was a great gift for our anniversary.
I Love you Dear!

-For the love we've shared...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy 30th Monthsary Baby!
9:47 PM

Happy 2 year 6 month Dearest.
I'm so happy to be with you despite all the shits that we have to face.
He gave me a sweet surprise at 12am.

Ayu: Haha. u mesti takle bangun nye, to take da receipt..! (11.46pm)
Love: Maybe, lau i tak angun i tk jumpa u k syg, i nid rest baby. (11.47pm)
Ayu: Haiya. i aru pk nk gv u a kis 4 our monthsary.(11.48pm)
Love: Ala, u tk surprise langsunglah.(11.49pm)
Ayu: Haha. 2 bad.takpa ah. coz i tau. u wont wake up.takpa syg. i phm.(11.51pm)
Love: Surprise me, men lyke surprises, yeah bb yeah.(11.52pm)
Ayu: Eh eh dekni. u patot surprise i. coz u didnt gv me anything on da dae i gv u my last gift 4 our 2 yrs. u lost it lagik ada. hw disappointing! (11.55pm)

i was typing the anniversary wish halfway,and exactly 12 am. he called me... he asked me to look out the window!. he was there! yes he did surprise me!
So in love with him!

Once again, Happy 30th Baby!
Thank you baby!

Sunday, June 22, 2008
I did it Again...
7:22 PM

Whats wrong with me.. procrastination is all i do.

procrastinate is my middle name,i think.


Today is suppose to be the day for cousin outing, but some have silat and camps so, i Meet my Love instead! wee~ sanggup bangun pagi just to teman me.

thanks darling. after that meet parents and babyboi ...we spent time at Ehub.

makan at BBQ chicken.Sungguh Sedap.! Those who love chicken would love it!


Had soooo much fun. Gi town with Love. its been quite sometime not going there. went there for a purpose, which was to find a baby black tee. at last.. don't have. who cares... it was fun after all.

20th & 21st

till then~

Thursday, June 19, 2008
4:50 PM

I wish upon a star...

- Go rollerskating with Love.
- Go watch latest movie with Love
- Go Swimming with Love
- Eat Seoul Garden with Love
- Hoodies.(Thanks to baby).
- 2 dresses
- 2 Tee
- 1 jeans
- 1 heels
- 1 slipper

- Rihanna Concert Live DvD
- Revlon Colourstay Minerals Foundation
- Cousins outing
- To kill 'the kepokias' in my family.
- To get away from the family.
- Pay back my kakak sedara $100.
- Love, attention, Money from parents.

( the maroon ones are the granted wish)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
All Squeezed into One.
11:08 PM

14th June
Went to Hannah Montana Roadshow with sister. You might say we're childish.But who cares, there is still a kid inside us. HaHHa! It was fun. I got 11 3-D Goggles for the Hannah Montana Concert.Can't wait!

15th June

Went out with Love. Teman him go escorting pengantin with his "people". Super banyak la motor. Just to let you know, i hate bikes which makes loud irritating noises.i would swear those bikes like nobody business.But what the hack, had to keep my mouth shut on that day. just imagine there were more then 50 bikes..horning,perah-ing,shouting...asap all over.
dah la macam nak sakit. those pollution and noises making me more sick! but it was super fun!
my first time. sure wanna do it again!

That's the clearest pic i have..ill upload more if i have.
Guess what. i was sick that night! High Fever!
very very High! Macam nak mati, takla bedek tuu..haha.

p.s: Love, i miss u soo much.

That's all for now.
Toddles yaw.

Friday, June 13, 2008
Its been Quite some Time..
12:07 AM

Its been quite sometime not updating stuff.
so.. I'm gonna summarise everything into small-small paragraph.

That time when i was watching Star Movies. There's trial of Spider man 3.
And there was this part where Peter Parker aunt said to him..
" A Man Have To Put His Wife First Before Himself."
i was like , oh my god. that was really true. and hopefully my future husband
will put me First before anything else.

First of all.. i wanna thank Shamira for doing the blog skin before this new Skin.
but it was too cramped up into one column, so i asked Nureen to help me.
since Nureen knows me better..she knew my taste. and she did it.
Thank you Nureen.Shamira Was SO adorable. she was so scared that i didn't like it.
i like it but not to the extent of love. I'm the kind of person who wants perfect,
but i still Thank you.

Second...yesterday i went to meet Love. Just hang out at Starbucks with his friends.
After that meet mom at Whitesands to eat since i haven eat since morning, and by then
it was 6.30pm.
Anyway i got a cute Lil' handmade rose,...which was done by Victor.
( Starbucks Stirrer was the stem, Paper was the Rose)
Thanks Vic!

Just now i went to Kenduri Arwah..
the moment i reach there Hussien ajak me go TM, cause he wanted to get jeans.
so, singgah and meet love for awhile.
i bought him a Hp key chain .Alphabet key chain.
He got A for Ayuni and Adli. I got Z for Zabid and Zaid.
Manage to capture a few pics.

i need my bed so badly now!

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Out And Away
3:38 AM

Had super fun.
Just got home.

Went out with
kak lela,abg zizul, sis, kakak sedara and nizam.

Places that we went...
Leisure park, Airport T3, Mustafa Centre and Simpang Bedok

It was almost midnight and then my dad and my aunt
bodek2 my abg sedara to bring us jalan2, since he's fetching his wife.
so apa lagi, siap lincah kadok nyer kes...
malas nak pakai make-up, contact lens and whatever.
just slack to the core.

here's some picture...a picture speaks a thousand words.

thats all folks.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
That Hottie!
6:09 PM

Teuku Wisnu

he's such a heartthrob.
he is one hottie that i can never have.
if Love can adore Dayang Nurfaezah.
i can adore Teuku!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
7:14 PM

Went out with Love yesterday!
Though we didn't go and do much stuff such as watching movies or whatever yesterday,
but it was a blast.
Being with him is all i want and need.
Having him in front of me eating dinner already makes me happy.

Yesterday was the day he sang me With You-Chris Brown at esplanade.
i can't stop smiling throughout the whole song.
melting and keep having goosebumps.
never gonna forget that moment.
its been quite sometime not meeting him. the feeling that i had yesterday was indescribable .
I'm so in love again!

Love, if you are reading this..

i just wanna tell you that everything is gonna be alright.
ignore the shits, ignore the blames, ignore the hatred.
ignore everything.
no one can pull us down. and i mean it,nobody.
hold on strong like how u always told me to do.
we're gonna pull this through together.
i will always love you till the end.

p.s: i love you boo.

Sunday, June 1, 2008
10:46 PM

I just got back from chalet!
my god.
super super tired! the chalet is actually 4 days 3 nights.
and i only stay over for 1 night... and tonight is the 3rd night.
I'll update about the chalet soon. need my bed badly!
