underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

This site is not for all to discriminate.
What ever is here, left here.
So I expect you to preserve the rights of this blog/online diary.
- yours sincerely.♥

Saturday, October 11, 2008
new and everything else is new.
4:22 PM

oh yah.. niwae... i've got a new hair cut!!
will post the pics too!

long gone..
4:13 PM

hey peeps...
i know Ive been away for soooo long.
until, i myself forget my own user name and password.
been very busy with my new life, N level, Hari Raya, boyfriend.
its fair that i abandoned the blog and i did the same to my friendster and emails.
its flooded with unnecessary stuff. will be back soon. ok lah, not to soon.
but i promise its going to be better. new skin, new post, new pic, new song.
keep checking on me. lets make things easier, come back and read next month.
see ya soon beautiful creatures!
